Merry Christmas From True Vineyard Ministries!

True Vineyard Ministries has had a phenomenal year! Under God’s guidance the organization continues to advance. I want to take this opportunity to update you on our successes in 2014 and also share the exciting developmental plans He has laid before us for 2015.

Currently, we support 44 widows economically through a program called Handspun Hope in Northern Rwanda.  The women earn salaries from crafting organically dyed yarn, produced from the wool of our own flock of Merino sheep.  The yarn is then sold to socially responsible business partners and at our retail store, TheVineyard Marketplace in San Marcos, Texas.

Last year, we began collaborating with Kate Spade & Company, a national design and retail business based in New York. Kate Spade & Company began their own cooperative, employing 150 artisans in Masoro, Rwanda in 2014. These artisans assemble products for the Kate Spade & Company On Purpose brand. The ladies employed by True Vineyard created the yarn used for a selection of their holiday products, which debuted in the Jack Spade  stores on November 14! In 2015, we will continue our partnership to create the only products completely sourced in Rwanda for the On Purpose brand.

   Due to an increased demand for our yarn, we saw a need to increase our flock of Merino sheep. In November, we launched a capital campaign through social media to fund the cost of importing new sheep. This campaign was so effective that we were able to purchase 100 more sheep for our flock in just seven days!  These sheep are currently in Kenya under quarantine and will arrive in Rwanda at the end of this month. With such a tremendous blessing, we are in pursuit of more land, fencing and sheds. Enlarging the flock will also require hiring two additional shepherds, bringing our current staff to 60 full-time employees in Rwanda!

Most importantly, our objective is to provide positive emotional, mental and spiritual support to our ladies who continue to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress due to genocide, extreme poverty, homelessness, HIV and hunger. For the past two years a focused team has worked to develop an intensive counseling program for our ladies. In August, we hired a full-time Rwandese Psychologist, Olive Muhanimana, who has continued to improve our counseling program. Olive has also continued developing the Lay Counselor Training Program, established in 2013, which equips local leaders to administer trauma counseling. Last summer, the second class graduated from the 10-week course and now there are 38 Lay Counselors offering counseling in their respective communities. Homeless children, persons with disabilities and families who have been impacted by HIV/AIDS are just some of the recipients of the free trauma counseling.

In 2015 we will be implementing a microfinance program that will encourage long-term financial freedom for our 44 ladies. For women who apply and qualify, True Vineyard will be granting individual loans. This opportunity will equip the women to create personal savings accounts, develop leadership skills, maximize profits, and invest more fully in the future of their families. The loans will be repaid with a low interest rate, ensuring the funds will continue to grow and be available for future business opportunities. Once a woman achieves financial independence, she will be encouraged to pursue her own entrepreneurial endeavors. True Vineyard will then fill her position with another woman who is marginalized and is seeking to holistically improve her life. This cycle of employment opportunity for impoverished women will ensure long-term impact and involvement in the surrounding community.

Our continued accomplishments in Rwanda would not be attainable without the financial support of dedicated donors. We humbly ask for your financial support in 2015 through a widow sponsorship or a year-end gift. Gifts may be made online or mailed to our office address below. There is no gift too small as we follow God’s lead to ensure these women are equipped spiritually, emotionally and economically through Jesus Christ.

On behalf of the entire team at True Vineyard Ministries, we wish you a very Merry Christmas!


Diana Wiley

Executive Director

Grateful For God's Leading

True Vineyard Ministries has had a phenomenal year! Under God’s guidance the organization continues to advance. I want to take this opportunity to update you on our successes in 2014 and also share the exciting developmental plans He has laid before us for 2015.

Currently, we support 44 widows economically through a program called Handspun Hope in Northern Rwanda.  The women earn salaries from crafting organically dyed yarn, produced from the wool of our own flock of Merino sheep.  The yarn is then sold to socially responsible business partners and at our retail store, The Vineyard Marketplace in San Marcos, Texas.

Last year, we began collaborating with Kate Spade & Company, a national design and retail business based in New York. Kate Spade & Company began their own cooperative, employing 150 artisans in Masoro, Rwanda in 2014. These artisans assemble products for the Kate Spade & Company On Purpose brand. The ladies employed by True Vineyard created the yarn used for a selection of their holiday products, which debuted in the Jack Spade stores on November 14! In 2015, we will continue our partnership to create the only products completely sourced in Rwanda for the On Purpose brand.

Due to an increased demand for our yarn, we saw a need to increase our flock of Merino sheep. In November, we launched a capital campaign through social media to fund the cost of importing new sheep. This campaign was so effective that we were able to purchase 100 more sheep for our flock in just seven days!  These sheep are currently in Kenya under quarantine and will arrive in Rwanda at the end of this month. With such a tremendous blessing, we are in pursuit of more land, fencing and sheds. Enlarging the flock will also require hiring two additional shepherds, bringing our current staff to 60 full-time employees in Rwanda!

Most importantly, our objective is to provide positive emotional, mental and spiritual support to our ladies who continue to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress due to genocide, extreme poverty, homelessness, HIV and hunger. For the past two years a focused team has worked to develop a solid counseling program for our ladies. In August, we hired a full-time Rwandese Psychologist, Olive Muhanimana, who has continued to improve our counseling program. Olive has also continued developing the Lay Counselor Training Program, established in 2013, which equips local leaders to administer trauma counseling. Last summer, the second class graduated from the 10-week course and now there are 38 Lay Counselors offering counseling in their respective communities. Homeless children, persons with disabilities and families who have been impacted by HIV/AIDS are just some of the recipients of the free trauma counseling.

In 2015 we will be implementing a microfinance program that will encourage long-term financial freedom for our 44 ladies. For specific women who apply and qualify, True Vineyard will be granting individual loans. This opportunity will equip the women to create personal savings accounts, develop leadership skills, maximize profits, and invest more fully in the future of their families. The loans will be repaid with a low interest rate, ensuring the funds will continue to grow and be available for future business opportunities. Once a woman achieves financial independence, she will be encouraged to pursue her own entrepreneurial endeavors. True Vineyard will then fill her position with another woman who is marginalized and is looking to holistically improve her life. This cycle of employment opportunity for impoverished women will ensure long-term impact and involvement in the surrounding community.

Our continued accomplishments in Rwanda would not be attainable without the financial support of dedicated donors. We humbly ask for your financial support in 2015 through a widow sponsorship or a year-end gift. There is no gift too small as we follow God’s lead to ensure these women are equipped spiritually, emotionally and economically through Jesus Christ. 

On behalf of the entire team at True Vineyard Ministries, we wish you a very Merry Christmas!