Building Gihunga Center

True Vineyard Ministries has grown from employing 10 women in 2008 to our current total of 35 in 2013.  Last year, we were able to move our sheep to a larger piece of land in the nearby community of Kinigi. This move allows for a larger, healthier flock and greater wool supply, which means sustainability for our ministry to continue the employment of widows forgotten by the rest of the world.

It also means a new vacancy on the small piece of land we already own in Susa Village, a place where 3 years ago we began to plan for the building of our permanent work facility, the Gihunga Center. Gihunga is a Kinyarwanda word for “cultivate,” which is what we desire to see in the lives of the widows and in the surrounding Susa community.

Susa Village consists of government housing designed to house widows and orphan-headed households. These families have very limited opportunities for employment, healthcare and education. Susa Village is where 80% of the TVM employees reside. As the ministry grows, it is highly probable that future employees will also come from this village.

Over the past 5 years, TVM has expanded significantly. Because of this, we have outgrown our current workspace.  I’m very happy to announce that on April 24th, we were awarded a $12,000 grant to be applied towards the first phase of construction for our Gihunga Center! The total estimated cost of this phase is $23,567. Completed construction of both phases is estimated at $41,731 but we can move into the new facility once the first phase is completed.

It is very much our desire and prayer that you would join with us by partnering in the first phase of construction for the new center, which we hope to begin in June. We cannot begin until we have raised an additional $11,567. With your prayerful and financial support, we can continue to be part of the healing transformation of these widows and their families.

Thank you so much for your financial consideration of this important step in the life of True Vineyard Ministries in Rwanda. If you choose to support this effort, you may make a designated contribution on our secure giving page, where a categorical breakdown of the building estimate is listed.  As each area of funding is met, we will remove it from the funding needs list. There is no gift too small as we set out to transform a community. Should we raise more than our initial goal, funding will be put towards the second phase of construction and then to areas of greatest need.

We will be posting regular reports on funding received and our building progress!

Many blessings,
Diana Wiley
Executive Director