Immaculée Ilibagiza is New York Times best-selling author of Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust. On September 6 True Vineyard Ministries is honored to bring Immaculée to Central Texas for two very special speaking engagements!
Left to Tell recounts Ilibagiza's experience during the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. She survived hidden for 91 days with seven other women in a tiny bathroom. During the horrific atrocities of 1994, Interahamwe soldiers killed most of Illabagiza's family.
Please watch one of Immaculée's earlier interviews here. Her story of faith and how she found forgiveness has inspired countless individuals.
Don't miss this rare opportunity to hear an incredible message on faith, love and forgiveness from this recipient of the 2007 Mahatma Gandhi Reconciliation and Peace Award. A limited amount of tickets and sponsorship opportunities are now available at
An exclusive Patron of Peace Reception will be held prior to Immaculeé's speaking engagements with a personal opportunity to meet Ms. Ilibagiza as she is presented with an Ambassador of Peace award.
We hope to see you in Austin or San Antonio on September 6 and 7!
Diana Wiley
Executive Director