Advocate For Widows

God has and is blessing this ministry both at home and here in Rwanda. TVM belongs to Him and He should be glorified for the progress that has occurred over the past several months.

For those of you who may not know, the first team just returned to the States after a life changing two weeks in Rwanda working with TVM's women. This weekend some of our partners at KidKnits will be joining us as part of the second team. Ten-year old, Ellie Zika, the visionary of KidKnits will arrive with her father and grandparents to meet the women for whom Kidknits has created so many opportunities. She is an amazing young woman who has already impacted the lives of many Rwandans because of her passion to partner with True Vineyard Ministries and because she responded to the desire God placed in her heart to serve the poor.  She is the hero of many, including our newest hires; Seforia, Rosette, Beatrice and Coletta who started full-time employment last week.

Kidknits began marketing the yarn, which the widows of TVM make, several months ago. KidKnits sells knitting kits for kids, and already there is a booming demand for these interactive kits, which includes our yarn! Currently, our women cannot spin enough wool to keep up with the demand for yarn. This is a fantastic problem to have because it means we need to hire more women to spin wool. Providing this invaluable opportunity to the widow is the heart of True Vineyard Ministries. Providing women with an income means provision, growth, and health for herself and all of her many family members.   We want to see these women empowered to be Christian leaders in their own communities.  Our prayer is that through what God is doing in their lives that many other lives will be transformed by their leadership and service.

True Vineyard Ministries is hiring more women so that we can meet the demand for yarn, and consequently, more wool! KidKnits  has already confirmed that from some large retailers that the kits will be in their stores for this Christmas season. Our ministry is growing and we need to grow with the demand. We also need more sheep, and very soon more land to accommodate the growth in sheep! We have also outgrown our current office space due to the large number of women currently working.

When we hire a new woman, we commit to keep her employed full-time. A full-time salary means providing health insurance for herself and her children and paying school fees for her school aged children. TVM cannot provide this life giving salary to the women without your advocacy and generosity. This is why we need sponsorships for all of our women.  A financial commitment of $35 each month means that you will directly impact a widow in Rwanda.  When you advocate for a widow with TVM - you become an advocate for her entire family.

She will earn an above-average salary that will put food on her table and will provide very basic needs, like clothing and soap.  It also means that she can pay to keep a roof over her head and buy medicine when she is sick.  It means a life of transformation.

Please consider beginning an advocacy partnership with True Vineyard Ministries.  You will be a part of something miraculous that is happening here in Rwanda.  We especially need advocates for our newest employees.  I will be posting their profiles and stories over the next few days on our fan and group Facebook pages.

James 1:27



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