Building Gihunga Center Update!

As promised, I wanted to give you an update on our fundraising efforts for the new Gihunga Center, a new permanent workspace for the widows we employ fulltime in Rwanda.
Over the past five years we have grown from employing 10 widows fulltime to employing 35 widows today.  The new enlarged space will allow us to continue empowering the lives of even more widows and their children, impacting the lives of generations to come.
In April of this year we were awarded with a $12,000 matching grant for our new building. In mid-May we began raising funds to match this amazing gift so that construction could begin this summer.
I’m happy to share that so far our fundraising efforts have generated $7,914! We have raised almost 2/3 of our goal and are standing with God, believing him for the remaining $4,086 before July 1.
Additionally, we have had an amazing donation of some lovely cards, designed specifically for raising funds for our new center by Nancy Keplinger, surviving daughter of the late Ambassador to Rwanda, Leo Cyr. All proceeds raised from the sell of these cards will go towards our building campaign.  They are available in our store, The Vineyard Marketplace or online.
If you have supported us financially or prayerfully in this endeavor we are extremely grateful. I ask that you continue praying for us and if you have not already given financially, that you consider a tax-deductible gift of any amount. There is no gift that is too small. Gifts can be given securely online or mailed to our office address at the bottom of this note.
We are thankful for your continued support and are ecstatic about the future of our organization!  Be sure to follow our fan page on Facebook to stay informed about our progress!
Many continued blessings,
Executive Director

True Vineyard Ministries, Inc.
317 W. San Antonio Street
San Marcos, TX 78666


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